"So now that I have had an ADD POWR Vivid Coax, and one of the HDMI units for a few weeks, I think I can comment on the effectiveness of these units.
The video on my Samsung 85" is remarkable! It has really not only brightened the image but sharpened it and the colors are excellent! It is not a hyped-up contrast or sharp edge picture but is very natural. And strangely even though the Vivid coaxial unit is on my outside antenna, it is still plugged into my Satellite receiver and the video on the satellite reception has improved, huh?
My wife who rarely comments on my Audio/Video passion even has noticed the improvement.
I for a coaxial unit that can be directly compatible with my Dish Satellite and a HDMI unit for my OPPO 205.
Highly recommended!" - ozzy
"After a few days of burn-in and then after proper placement of the Vivid, the color, color saturation, and shadow detail got exponentially better on my already great Sony OLED TV. Now granted, you can only do so much with the picture quality of cable television channels, but even some of the lesser quality stations became so much more vivid, sharp, and detailed! I am actually thinking of adding a viVid Coax version to my setup to see if the cable picture gets even better! For the tweaker looking for a component to increase picture quality that is reasonably priced, I strongly recommend you give ADD-POWR's viVid signal enhancer a try!!" - Mel
" I have my fire stick running through one Vivid into my AV processor. I have a second Vivid on the HDMI output from my AV processor to my projector. I also have a Sorcer in the rack.
I’ve noticed a significant improvement in fine detail in the image. Even to a point where I think I am seeing things in the background that I didn’t notice before. The sound is also nicely improved.
Thank you for the great products." - Kevin
"I just heard the effects of the Eau4...I was amazed. There was an increase in scale, impact in the bass, a more robust midrange and bass, and a more timbral realism in female voices. I was in shock, from day one to the next, the system was transformed. There was an absence of a digital sonic signature,especially any presence in the treble." - Roy
"First off, I like what it does in my system. My system is very resolving, dynamic, tonally saturated, has great bass, images great and a show stopper for those that have heard it. I'm not sure why, but after appreciating some added clarity to the sound I was hearing within a day of installing it, for me, it took several days for things to really pop for me with the Sorcer Apprentice.
The added clarity is perhaps the thing I notice the most, but that leads to better imaging and because of that, easier to understand vocals, which has always been an issue for me and not just with my systems. Vocals are often buried too deeply in mixes for me to be able to appreciate them, but with the Apprentice, they occupy a more distinct space, so are easier for me to understand.
I also hear details that emerge, where I might not have noticed them before, but not in a distracting way and this has proven to be a revelation with some music I've been listening to for a long time. It's so much easier to follow an instrument in the mix.
I like it a lot and will recommend it to my friends and ex customers that have systems resolving enough to appreciate it and I think that's an important point...for those that already have excellent systems to me this is a far better investment in better quality sound reproduction than something like adding stupid expensive audio or power cables.
Also, it has far more influence on the sound than the myriad of surge protection devices I've used over the years, so I will use a surge protector, plugged into the same circuit as the Apprentice and feel good about having surge protection and great sound quality.
Oh, the TV's have better pictures, too." - Frank Goldfarb, Feb. 2024
"When I added the Wizard a couple of years ago, I had been reconstituting my system from long storage and adding to it. I had the basics down and my system was starting to show potential. It was fully broken in and seasoned. I had very high quality power filtration including an Equitech 2Q Balanced Power Conditioner etc.
The Wizard was one of the first big 'tweaks' I added into the system. I had an older Symphony Pro that I plugged in for a while, and was surprised that I could hear its effect clearly. The difference was a greater depth and width of soundstage, more liquidity to the sound, and less 'hash' in the treble. So I decided to try the Wizard which was on a healthy sale discount.
When I plugged in the Wizard, the following changes were quite big. I would say it was the overall equivalent of upgrading ALL the components in my system by two to three levels or what I would expect by buying components that were 2X the cost of my current line up. The soundstage widened and deepened, almost disappearing into my walls. The bass just rolled out into the room, deep and musical. The top end was incredibly extended and smooth, so much noise and hash I didn't know was just gone. Everything sounded both warm and pristine." - Tuckers, August 2023
"Indeed, one needs to start at the source of power in your system. A dedicated power circuit with a reliable ground is a good start. Cables have tonal characteristics that greatly affect sound and influence how you perceive and listen to sound. Cables should be neutral in the task of delivering an audio signal to a loudspeaker.
The problem with cables is that they are an essential accessory and are an expensive investment at that, in most cases. Interconnect, speaker, and power cord cabling can amount to a huge outlay of tens of thousands of dollars.
Now there is another solution to achieving great sound that doesn't break the bank.
The idea of ADD-Powr products is to increase the musicality of the audio system from the AC power source to the delivery of the signal to the speaker. This increase is verified and measured by spectrum analysis which examines the frequency response in terms of s/n (signal-to-noise) response.
What is missing from the AC power entering the audio and video system? Answer: The ability to supply harmonically rich power.
Sorcer and Wizard products will deliver harmonic rich sound. And you will save yourself from breaking the bank and start to experience the full potential of your system. In a word, true enjoyment." - @kota1
Audiogon, March 2023
Add-Powr Power Conditioner Review - @kota1, Audiogon 2/22/23
"...after configuring my setup very carefully, and plugging the Symphony Pro PS-1 directly into the wall with a high quality power cord, the sound quality is amazing!
At first, I was skeptical that a product using the technology of your products would actually pay off. But it certainly has, in a big way. Thanks for being a major contributor to the musical bliss! " - Bill Oakey, February 2023
"Over the holidays I have had a chance to do a little listening to the Symphony I/O. Remarkable.
Plugged in as follows: Ethernet goes into the IO, and out to the Network Device (Exasound Sigma). USB comes out of the Sigma into the IO. USB comes out of the IO into the Exasound e38 DAC. The Symphony IO is also located in the cabinet near the, ethernet device (that converts optical ethernet back to wired ethernet), DAC, and Sigma (and of course all the other equipment).
When I first plugged it in, I did not believe what I was hearing. But after some listening, I could not deny that I was enjoying the music more than usual. So I tried something. I simply unplugged one of the USB cables and went directly from the Sigma to the DAC instead of through the IO. Again, I could not believe what I was hearing. The music, while still tremendous, was more flat, not as alive. I plugged the USB cable back in and have not looked back.
The difference is most dramatic with well recorded (DSD256) piano. The piano has so much more inner resonance. The harmonic structure of each note is made much more present. Piano (very hard to reproduce even in the best sound system) is much more alive, luscious, and drenched with harmonics. Wow.
...there is a similar improvement across the board, but most obvious to isolate and describe the difference when listening to solo piano. Because there is more harmonic detail amplified, 3D rendering of the music is also more dramatic.
Spacial information in the music is more pronounced bringing more realism to the whole sound field. In short, the overall presentation of the music is more harmonically detailed, coherent, whole and present.
- Bob Anderson, December 2022
"The Sorcer X4 is very appropriately named, because you are going to want at least four of these amazing devices! Think I am joking? Read on.
Because we all hear differently, have different musical tastes and preferences, have very different systems, and do not receive our electricity from the same grid, I have long believed that it is essential that one be allowed a trial period in one’s own system and room, with music that one is intimately familiar with, when contemplating the purchase of a new audio toy. In short, as we like to say, YMMV. I would NEVER suggest that anyone spend a significant amount of money for an audio product, including one that costs as much as the Sorcer X4, if this trial period in one’s own home was not granted. Fortunately for me, Mike at tweekgeek.com did offer me a 30-day trial period, which was much longer than I needed for any of the four Sorcer X4’s I auditioned.
Because I was granted this trial period, after reading many raves about Bill’s products, especially the Sorcer X4, I was eager to see what it might do in my own system. When spending this amount of money for an audio product, I want something that provides more than a subtle, significant, or even major improvement. I want an increase in listening pleasure that is nothing less than a huge, OMG improvement. The raves from other happy users notwithstanding, I was somewhat skeptical that the Sorcer would provide me with a level of improvement that could justify the cost. Happily, my skepticism was unwarranted—after installing the X4, I was quickly elated with the results.
I am not particularly comfortable with using audiophile terminology, so I suggest that anyone considering trying a Sorcer X4 peruse the comments of reviewers and other happy owners on the specific kinds of improvement that an X4 can provide. I always value what other pleased owners have to say about any audio product I am considering auditioning, but my own ears are always the final arbiter. And I actually do trust my own ears.
I was so thrilled about what the Sorcer did for my system that, like another audiophile who installed a second one and was delighted with the results, I wanted to see if adding an additional Sorcer would be just as satisfying to me. I did indeed enjoy just as much improvement with my second unit. Thus, because (like a few other audiophiles) I am rather deranged when it comes to this passion, I had to try a third one, and then a fourth. I experienced very little or no noticeable diminishing returns with each additional Sorcer, which I found shocking. For the record, I am not Mr. Deep Pockets, but live very frugally and spend money on little else so that I can indulge myself in this wonderful passion of ours. If any of you win the lottery and would like to send me a dozen or so additional Sorcer X4’s for a Christmas present, I will happily be your guinea pig and report my results as to where I find that the law of diminishing returns does in fact set in....
But if most of my fellow audiophiles are at least somewhat more sane than I am, they might well be very happy with just one of these extraordinary system enhancers. As others have suggested, you might get more of an improvement in your system with a Sorcer than spending a similar, or even significantly larger, sum of money on any number of component upgrades.
Finally, although of much less concern to me, I also appreciate the striking improvement in the picture quality of my televisions with the Sorcers.
- Dan, Audiophile December 2022
"The Sorcer X4 Definitely add that extra dimension to the Music. Palpable, reach out and touch Realism. A very Lively Soundstage." - Clive Williams 7/20/22
"Transformation, Or How I Discovered A “New” Piece Of Equipment" - Sym Pro
I occasionally wonder if I am too generous with my reviews of the equipment I buy from RAA (Russ Andrews Accessories) and whether it is worth the asking price. However, I am usually confounded.
Suddenly, live broadcasts (HD quality) became “present” with more space and air
around instruments, precise locations of soloist and wind players and just a total
feeling of involvement. The experience with CDs is proving to be much the same
(thank goodness). The colours on my monitor are richer, clearer and have more depth (when I tested by switching off the Pro, colours immediately became duller. So yes, expensive but worth every penny - a “new” piece of equipment that increases your appreciation of what you already have. " - AndrewSJ 13 May 2022
"Beyond Good Value" - Symphony
The Symphony seems to create a larger than expected effect due to a synergy with all the other RA filters, grounding etc. The 'air' around individual instruments is hugely improved and I have never heard stereo sound so effective, with a genuine 3D recording space apparent. The aerial makes a big difference, especially near the AC lines/power supply side of my system. It makes another big step towards being there musicality. I am powering it with a RA DC supply which is a big improvement on the supplied wall wart. I plan to buy another Symphony asap." - Simon Welbourn 25 Sep 2021
"... immediate impressions (Sorcer X4): 1. Climaxes wonderfully shattering without strain. 2. Humanness comes across more vividly. 3. Technicolor- like turning up the color on an old color tv set. 4. A velvet curtain appears and opens to reveal a new portal into the music. 5. Dynamics are robust and musically explosive. 6. Recordings previously unimpressive and not very listenable are transformed and now provide irresistible tonal beauty and engaging imaging. 7. Turn up the volume and get more of a great thing without any strain or compression. Pretty impressive list of impacts."
- David Sckolnik, a la carte productions
"The effect (Sorcer X4) is dramatic. It takes a flat plain and makes it more expansive. Things tend to sound more separate and individual with the edges' trails not blurred. Things seem wider left to right but not in an odd way. Deeper from front to back. It can be a bit overwhelming, it takes a renewed approach to mix with it, because that is what you get more of. Thank you!"
-- Bernie Becker, Mastering engineer, Becker Mastering
"The Sorcer X4 brought a new level of focus in the imaging and warmth to my system. Moving it to different outlets in my studio allowed my to optimize its performance. I have yet to find a piece of gear that doesn't benefit from the effects of the Sorcer." -- Gerhard Westphalen, Mastering Engineer, Westphalen Mastering
"Installed the second Sorcer X4. Improved sound just like you said (cumulative). Sound is more real - more natural. It sounds effortless and less distorted. More detail. Lyrics are easier to understand (intelligibility). Sound stage is bigger. Thanks for inventing this stuff." -- Chris S., Audiophile
"My congratulations on your Wizard conditioner. It is one of the very few true neutral conditioners on the market, and the reviews about it are very accurate proven by my ears. I didn't buy it because of the reviews but because I got one of your original Electraclear...for the last 20 years and it is still working accurately." -- Edilberto Mir, Audiophile
"In a nutshell, the conditioner transported me Sorcer X4 from an already wonderful, engaged and connected musical experience to one best described as an ear-opening mesmerizing musical experience.
The overall result is one of realism, naturalness, aliveness, sweetness, fullness, beauty, emotion, and connectivity. All to a greater degree than prior (to the Sorcer) AND much more significant when considered as a whole." -- David S., Audiophile
"What else did you expect? Installed 11 more ElectraClear eau2s today bringing the total to 17. Now every circuit has at least one. Biggest single improvement ever. Transformative! Lower noise ( a lot lower). Lots more power at all frequencies. Detail is revealed in the decay of instruments and voices. Greater clarity revealing more emotion in the singers and voices. No congestion even during complex crescendos allowing the listener to discern individual instruments/voices even when they are in a crowd. No gaps in the sound stage. Everything sounds more natural. The music "pulls you in." I could go on..." -- C. Stevenson, Audiophile
Re: Sorcer X4: "My wife remarked unsolicited, a couple of times how good the TV screen looks... it is like a new TV. Much higher definition, richer colors, and a brighter overall image.
Musically, every system in our home sounds better, wider. There is more detail coming through. I can see much deeper into the orchestra. The image carries much more motion as the music move back and forth across the sound stage. It comes alive visually in an astonishing way. The sound stage is massive (taller,
The music is far more dynamic.
Crescendos come at you with exhilarating impact. Soft passages are delicate and detailed. Instruments sound more like the real thing. Violins sound more like the live experience. Jazz ensembles are more in the room. Speakers disappear.
Vocals, especially closely mic'ed female vocals are amazing. They are more sensuous, more present, more three-dimensional." -- B. Anderson, Audiophile
" At first, I didn't think I was actually hearing any improvements. Well, the real issue was I couldn't quite understand it or explain it. Over a week's time of brief one hour sessions in the evenings I finally got in the groove to describe it. Now I love it so much I want to figure out how I can get another one! Here's the bottom line: I was listening to my speakers before the Wizard. Now I listen to the music. Bass is better, depth is better, musicality is through the roof. And the music is relaxed. Wow. Can't believe how much more enjoyable my system is now. " -- Steve, Audiophile
"Can't get enough...
Well, forgive me but I'm just going to have to jump back in here and rant and rave some more about the impact this product (Wizard) has had on my primary system. I really had to force myself to quit last night, well past my bedtime. If I weren't hearing it for myself, I wouldn't have believed it. In nearly every case, the moment I start a new track on either CD or vinyl, from the very first note or instrumental sound I can hear an improvement in the timbre and character of the instrument, sound, or voice. Last night, I pulled out my CD of Dido: Life for Rent, which I hadn't played in a while. I was absolutely astonished by the realism, depth, spaciousness and overall quality of the presentation. I really don't even think we can call this a "tweak". It is, for me, a quantum leap in performance. This, when my system was already sounding very, very good. I believe this product can and will make any good stereo system much better. I almost feel like those of us sitting here using this product have an "unfair" advantage over those who are not. It makes things that much better. I'm also getting the sense that things are actually improved in my other systems by its installation-at least I believe so with my office system. ADD-Powr does state that the Wizard "changes the quality of the AC line from the entry point at the circuit breaker box in the home or commercial space". Perhaps this accounts for the apparent improvements in my other systems.
As I was listening last night to some CD's that I hadn't played perhaps in a little while-but not that long ago-I was attempting to account for any other factors that could explain why that particular CD could now be sounding that much better-and each time the only conclusion I could reach was: the Wizard.
I would add also another observation that a user mentioned in a review that I read. The increased emotion one experiences in the music is something you have to hear to understand. The reviewer described "an intense emotional connection". I believe this very much describes the experience, and it is hard to explain. The effect strains credibility... However it actually works, I can tell you it works well. Very, very well. Okay, that's enough ranting and raving....for now."
-- Pete, Audiophile
"After a generous phone conversation with Ivan I felt comfortable giving it a try. He took time to candidly discuss my system and his experience with power conditioners. I received the Sorcer x4 and installed it at an outlet by my panel. The difference was love at first sound. All the reviews are true. It creates a depth, fluidity and greater s/n that makes for totally non fatiguing listening. The power issues are 100% gone. It works great with your existing power conditioners, so no issues there. It's truly new technology which creates real benefit to the sound." -- Allen, Audiophile, Audio Afficionado.org 9/11/2021
"I picked up this guy about 6 months ago because of the high praise from owner of this unit here on Audiogon.
I started with the Symphony Pro then to the X2 and finally to the X4. I plug into the outlet that my Bybee Stealth power conditioner is running off of, a Quantum science red outlet.
I then moved to the X2 and was shocked on the increased SQ the unit was doing to my system. It behaved like the SR PC SX I had but didn’t thin out the sound in any way like the SX. I sold the SR SX and bought the HB Design horizon passive power strip. I now had better SQ with this set up.
ADD-Powr hooked me up with the X4 with a trade in and now I was hooked for life.
😂😂😂😂😂😂 is what one does when you hook up this guy into your system. A drunken state of joy comes over you. You don’t need the audiophile lingo, terminologies , all you need to know is that you need to go out and get one whether it’s the X2 or the X4 and experience music as you’ve never heard it before in your system. A 30 day return is at the back end of this that you’ll never have to use because of the addiction this unit brings with it.
The foundation of your system will be high end with the ADD POWR X4 at the Helm of your rig. It made a bigger upgrade than any cable or component I’ve installed into my system.
I did unplug it a few weeks back and I lost so much Glory that I quickly plugged it back in." - "glory" Audiophile https://www.forum.audiogon.com
"I tried a Wizard for more power and it worked very well. ... with the Wizard I am now listening to the music versus listening to the speakers and analyzing every note and instrument. I had room to accommodate another Wizard which was less expensive than going for a Sorcer. So now I have 2 Wizards on each end of the rack surrounding all the primary gear and it is stellar. The additive effect is stunning and I cannot find any other tweaks to make to the system except maybe further adjustment of the speakers themselves. The sound stage has layers front to back now and everything just sounds so natural and real I am playing everything I can pull up, even 10 year old playlists that paled to my newer ones are stunning. ...you've got to offer this to electronics manufacturers as an add-on device. This will change the way circuits are designed going forward. This technology made my year (already) and gives me the confidence that my system will sound good no matter what the rest of the room is doing. Amazing. Thanks." - "bugredmachine" Audiophile https://www.forum.audiogon.com
"Just received my eau2s. Holy @#$%! You weren't just blowing smoke with your advertised claims! These are easily the best upgrade I've tried...and I have tried many. Some offer very minor change.... maybe improvement, but not one has given such a monumental improvement in every aspect of listening. I put one in a quite modest second system and stood stunned by the immediate change! Dimensionality...check. the soundstage flew open...with layers! Background singers went from a jumble to individual voices. The sound of instruments is considerably more true. What was once a blur of sound is, now, separate. The VERY familiar discs used to test every change to my systems are NEW! Each is a different experience!" - Russ, Audiophile
"…. to quote myself once more….holy @#$%! Not only is the soundstage deeper and wider and more layered, it, now, wraps around me. I’ve never experienced such. Bass is better defined. With all the previously mentioned improvements, I think the best compliment I can offer to you and your products….the all-digital system sounds more analog….much more analog. Keep up your excellent work and, again, thanks!" - Russ, Audiophile
https://forum.audiogon.com/discussions/shoutout-add-powr-symphony-plus-psu-eau2-package-currently-on-sale?highlight=ADD-POWR%2B (Symphony Pro+ PS-1, eau2) May 2022
https://www.forum.audiogon.com (Sorcer X4, Wizard) June 2019 - present
https://tweekgeek.blogspot.com (Symphony Pro) March 2020
https://www.audioaficionado.org (Sorcer X4, Wizard) Jan. 2020-21
https://www.audioaficionado.org (Wizard) November 2021
https://www.audioaficionado.org (Wizard, Sorcer) Novermber 2021
https://alc-pro.com/blog (Sorcer X4) February 2020
Blog (Tweek Geek Speek) (Sorcer X4) February 2019
TweekGeek.com August 7, 2019
The Sorcer X4 is way better Posted by Ken Basar
"ADD-Pwr Review This mini review is not only about the Sorcer X4 but also the great customer service from a well-known Audio dealer; The Tweek Geek. I was really curious about ADD-Pwr products. I own a Symphony Pro from a decade or more ago that works ok but... Now there are new products. I read a couple of the online reviews but I was not sure about spending $4000 for what I thought to be basically a tweak. (even with a money back guarantee). I contacted Mike from Tweek Geek and he had a demo unit that he was willing to send. In a few days the demo arrived but it was labeled Magnifi Tech. From what I learned this was an earlier iteration of the Sorcer. I must add that more dealers (like Tweek Geek) should provide demo units. Especially for those of us on the fence. I noticed some criticism on this thread that I would like to address first. The chassis appearance; it looks fine to me. Transformer hum? I cannot hear any conceivable hum from the unit. Looking at the insides there is no special crystals or magic paste inside. Just transformers, electronics and what appears to be settable digit settings. Well, since receiving the unit, I have been amazed by the change in my system sound quality. People, this is not a tweak but a huge system upgrade! Music takes on a very real personality. By that I mean it no longer sounds like a recording but actual live music! Vocals and instruments are so real sounding! There is a rightness to sound, call it analog, or organic but boy does my system sound good! I am 66 years old and a classic rock fan, I have listened to that music for decades. I can truly say that those familiar recording sound so much better, very resolved and very real. Hard to believe, mighty impressive! The Sorcer X4 is way better than any power conditioner, power cord, footers, room treatments that I have ever tried! And believe me I have tried many, many, so many… I noticed even more of an improvement than when I added the Audioquest Niagara 7000! BTW, I am using both products concurrently so perhaps there is synergy. I have been told that placement of the unit affects the way it performs. I just found a spot in the middle of my rack and plopped it there. Later, I may change its location, but I can’t imagine the sound getting anything better. I have it plugged into the same dedicated outlets (Furutech NCF) that my Niagara is plugged into. I also have a Synergistic Research grounding block plugged into that same quad box. So, I had to have one. I have placed an order for the Sorcer X4 and it is now in transit. I should get it sometime next week. In the meantime, I still have the demo to use. To all who read this, I’m not getting anything thing out of posting this information, just sharing my opinion. If you contact The Tweek Geek perhaps Mike will have me send the demo unit to you when I get my new one." - ozzy
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